sabato 19 novembre 2016

Affreschi in Umbria

Francobollo dedicato all'arte di Assisi-
In attesa di ampliamento del testo in lingua italiana.

The recent earthquakes in a part of Umbria have been cause for concern for many different works of art and numerous frescoes preserved in old churches.
The Umbria region still preserves many frescoes in Perugia, Assisi, Spoleto, Orvieto, Montefalco, Spello and in several other towns.
In addition to well-known artists in the Renaissance there were many painters. Even the town less frequented by tourists have interesting artwork. For example there are beautiful works in the Palazzo Trinci in Foligno.

fresco in Terni

fresco in Spoleto by Filippo Lippi

fresco in Bevagna, photo by wikipedia (adrio8)

fresco in Todi 

In addition to the painter Perugino there were other Umbrian artists: Bartolomeo Caporali, Benedetto Bonfigli, Nicolò Alunno, Pier Matteo d'Amelia, Andrea d'Assisi etc..The names of some good artists were unfortunately unknown. Some frescoes were moved on canvas and can now be seen in major museums.
Tourists can still choose from many beautiful routes.

affreschi in Umbria

San Bernardino church in Perugia, foto ap

the old Palazzo Trinci -Foligno
Foligno are some frescoes by Gentile da Fabriano and his collaborators.


sabato 19 marzo 2016

Pavimentazioni medievali a Roma

In attesa di ampliamento del testo in italiano. Nei tempi tecnici possibili.
After the end of the Roman Empire, Rome often continued to decorate the floors with beautiful mosaics. Many precious marbles were often found among the ruins of ancient Rome.
In the Middle Ages, however, there were several stages. In later times the workshops of Cosmati were particularly appreciated.
In an initial period craftsmen create simple floor mosaics, then some important workshops built more complex mosaics.
The artistic workshops of Cosmati and Vassalletto families also work in different towns around Rome.

floor in the basilica of Santi Cosma e Damiano -photo L.B.

floor in San Crisogono church-photo a.p.

floor in Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls-photo a.p.

To read more:
Cosmati and Vassalletto  (italian)
Floors in Middles Ages    (italian)
Mosaics in Rome              (english)


view of the floor in Santa Maria in Cosmedin 


martedì 26 gennaio 2016

Arte bizantina nella Sicilia orientale

In attesa di ampliamento del testo in italiano.

In a period of the Middle Ages, in eastern Sicily, Byzantine art has left some evidence. In some areas the monks had many relationships with Eastern Christians.
After the Arab domination had been a bit 'of Byzantine culture. The Norman kings to decorate their beautiful churches asked often the collaboration of many artists of the Byzantine school.

We publish some interesting photos.

fresco in Syracuse, crypt San Marziano 
photo by Susanna Valpreda

fresco of St. Barbara in Pantalica necropolis (read wikipedia)
photo by Susanna Valpreda

On these topics a book written in Italian is also acquirable on Amazon

Susanna Valpreda: Sikelia-In Sicilia orientale nel periodo bizantino
Read more