sabato 31 maggio 2014

Palermo e Monreale, arte medievale

Testo in italiano in via di redazione. Intanto francobollo dedicato al Cristo Pantacratore a Monreale.

With the end of the Roman period and a brief presence of the Vandals, Sicily was reconquered by the Byzantine.
Subsequently, from the year 827, the Arabs conquered the island gradually. The last Byzantine resistance occurred in Taormina in the year 902. It was soon established an emirate of Sicily.
After the year 1000 many Norman knights had in the meantime arrived in southern Italy in search of fortune.
A group of these knights of the Norman family of Hauteville in the year 1072 occupied Palermo and began the conquest of Sicily.
During the kingdom of the Altavilla many monuments were built by Moorish craftsmen helped by Byzantine artists.
So the architecture and mosaics were made ​​with a very particular style.
The most beautiful buildings of this period are visible in Palermo, Monreale and Cefalù.

cloister of Monreale, picture a.p

Church of St. John the Hermit (Giovanni Eremiti), picture a.p.

the beautiful cloister of San Giovanni Eremiti (photo umberto p)
 the Norman church was built between the years 1132 and 1140 by order of King Roger II

mosaic in Monreale, illustration wikipedia

Tourists who visit Palermo are fascinated by mosaics of the Palatine Chapel in the Norman Palace, by some ancient churches, from the Zisa palace and other monuments.
A great cycle of mosaics and a nice cloister in the Cathedral of Monreale  (a small town near Palermo) deserve the trip in western Sicily. The presence of Christian monks in Monreale was directed to convert many Muslims who remained in the southeast.

Cefalù, old picture. Beautiful mosaics inside

And finally, should also see the beautiful cathedral of Cefalu, a town on the sea.

To learn more about the topics see pages: Palermo-Monreale in Middle Ages  and  Sicily, history notes.

venerdì 23 maggio 2014

Antichi mosaici a Roma

La redazione provvederà al testo in italiano appena possibile.
Intanto anche qui un francobollo pertinente.

Many ancient mosaics can be seen in museums or in underground locations, but sometimes tourists can admire the beautiful mosaics in ancient churches partially built in the last period of the Roman Empire.
Some examples with our photos.

Mausoleum for Constance, daughter emperor Constantine mosaics IV century (via Nomentana, complex S.Agnese)-© alpav

Lateran baptistery (San Giovanni in Fonte), mosaics V century-© alpav 

mosaic -Santa Prassede

Other interesting ancient mosaics are in the church dedicated to Santa Prassede and attached chapel of San Zenone. Tourists can also see large parts of ancient mosaics in churches of SS.Cosma- Damian, San Pudenziana, San Marco etc. The most ancient mosaics in the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore are in very high position for tourists.

mosaics in Santa Maria Maggiore-photo by MM-wikimedia

A tour for the mosaics is certainly interesting for many tourists staying for 7-10 days in Rome.
Very large mosaics are finally in the archaeological area of Ostia Antica. Tourists can also get there by subway. The mosaics at Ostia are often black and white.
The mosaics of Santa Maria in Trastevere are very beautiful but they were made ​​in the Middle Ages by Pietro Cavallini..

books by Alpav in Lulu

giovedì 22 maggio 2014

Parma, cose interessanti da vedere

Il testo in italiano è via di approntamento.  Intanto francobollo dedicato al bel duomo parmense

Parma is a very nice city in Emilia region. This italian city is very famous for art and for food (ham, cheese, tortellini and more) made ​​by the inhabitants.
Great artists have worked in Parma and tourists must remember the following names: Antelami, Correggio and Parmigianino.
In Parma there are many monuments and several museums. In this blog we expose some photos.

Palazzo della Pilotta

Frescoes in the church of Santa Maria della Steccata
The frescoes representing virgins were painted by Parmigianino

photo- &copy alpav

The painting by Correggio in the cupola of the cathedral

medieval sculpture by Antelami in the cathedral-&copy alpav

cathedral and baptistery (photo by wikipedia -spaceodissey)

The tourists, however, should not forget to visit the church of San Giovanni Evangelista, beautiful rooms painted by Correggio in the monastery of St. Paul, the art gallery, the Farnese Theatre and other landmarks. Tourists who stay several days it is advisable to listen to the opera by Giuseppe Verdi.In the restaurants of Parma there are many good things and maybe some tourists will buy the famous Parmesan cheese or some good jam.
Article in italian language: Parma and baptistery